January 20

The Only Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Ever Need

Building Wealth, Money Mindset


Thinking about doing something different this year?  If you're finding New Year's Resolutions to be pointless, there is an alternative to traditional New Year's resolutions that you can do instead.

Having a New Year's Resolution is so ingrained in our culture nowadays that it can be hard to even imagine a world without it.  And if you try to skip out on it this year, you'll probably hear it from your loved ones.  

But, there are alternatives to having a New Year's Resolution.  And maybe this year you can start a new tradition.

While New Year's Resolutions can be inspiring and motivational (at least at the start), it can sometimes be too short-sighted and limited.

New Year's resolutions focus mainly on changing your habits.  But changing your habits can be pretty hard if you don't have the right systems in place to do so.  Which is why so many New Year's resolutions end in failure.

Besides, if you want to truly change deep down, you're going to have to stop focusing on all of your external problems and instead start looking on the inside. 

It is much harder to keep up your resolution of exercising everyday if you don't already see yourself as someone who is fit.  You must first change the image you have of yourself.  

If you can change how you see yourself, it will be so much easier to pick up those good habits you so desire.  

So this year why not try something new.  Instead of the usual New Year's resolution, do what I do.  Choose a word!  And if you want, you could even do this in addition to having your usual New Year's Resolution.

alternatives to tradition new years resolutions

The Only Alternative to New Year's Resolutions You'll Ever Need

A few years ago, just before Christmas, I came across these old antique keys while shopping with some friends in Kobe.  For some reason, I've always loved those kinds of keys and in that moment, I had a thought.

Keys open doors.  And those keys, in particular, could be symbolic for opening doors within ourselves.  Doors that may have been previously locked.  And that which may have been holding us back from becoming who we are meant to be.

So I thought maybe these keys could represent something that we needed to or wanted to work on that year.  I thought it could give us a nice theme to focus on.  Something we could use to become more of the person we want to be.  

More independent.  More confident.  Someone who has learned to let go.

At the time, there were four identical keys.  Just enough for each member of my family; so, I thought it was a sign.  I bought them right then and there and determined from that day onward we would do keys instead of (or in addition to) the traditional New Year's Resolutions.

And we've been doing them ever since.

With a theme for the year, you don't have to do anything.  The constant reminders of your focus for the year helps you to become the person you wish to be.

alternatives to new years resolution

How It Works

It's simple.  At the end of each year, start thinking about what you want to focus on in the following year.  What word resonates with you most?

It's not uncommon to have a few things you want to focus on but if you can narrow it down to just one or two words that would be best.  Ideally, you'll want just one thing to focus on without anything else to distract you. 

But, if you do end up with two words for the year, no worries.  Make one of them your main focus and the other one secondary. 

And don't forget to check in on your theme for the year often.  To help with this, you may  choose, as I did, to have something that reminds you of your chosen word.

For my family and I, it was the keys.  But you may choose to use a stone, a keychain, or a picture.  Whatever you choose, remember to keep it somewhere you can see it often.  I keep mine on my fridge.

That way, it will always remind you of what you want to focus on for the year.

champagne glasses

So... What's Your Key Going to Be?

Alright, now it's decision time.  What is your "key" going to be for the year?  What is it that you want to work on or improve?

The sky is the limit of course but starting out you may want to keep it simple.  I believe my first word was Acceptance.  I wanted to stop resisting what was and learn to accept reality as it came.  It was a good word for me.

So what about you?  What's your word going to be?  Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be a good one!

Choosing a word is sooo much easier than having a laundry list of New Year's resolutions!

All in All

New Year's Resolutions can be great.  But they can also put too much pressure one someone to do one thing instead of another.  And sometimes solely because society is telling us that this is what we should be doing.

So having alternatives to traditional New Year's resolutions can be a life saver.

This year how about instead of putting such pressure on yourself to change your habits, you, instead, focus on the person you want to be. Choose a word that resonates with you and see where it takes you.  You may discover things about yourself you never knew before.

Good Luck!

*DISCLAIMER: The Information provided in this post is simply the opinions of the blogger and is given in the spirit of educational fun. It is not investment advice. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you before investing in any asset. If necessary, seek the help of a certified professional in discussing your options.

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  1. The advice is very timely. Thank you for sharing the importance of a word to focus on as a key to learning more about ourselves and unlocking our potential. I look forward to having one of my best years ever.

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