October 5

21 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start a Blog for Money

Building Wealth


People these days are so quick to tell you that starting a blog is the road to riches but have you stopped to consider that there may be reasons why you shouldn't start a blog?

There are many benefits of blogging for sure.  Improving your writing skills, having a creative outlet, personal growth to name a few.  But starting a blog is not all sunshine and daisies.

For one, it is not for everyone.  There are some personality types that are just not well suited for blogging (here's looking at you Perfect Patty).  Not to mention, you just might not have the time for it.  

And trust.  It requires time.  Lots of it.

So, in the spirit of giving you the yin to the yang of the hardest of hardcore blogging proponents, let's dive in to all the reasons why you shouldn't start a blog.

reason not to blog

Why You Shouldn't Start a Blog

Time Intensive

I don't know if you know but blogging is hard.  It requires a lot of your time to make it a success.  And this is especially true when you are just starting out.

Blogging is more then just writing posts and publishing them if you want to make money.  There are a lot of things that go into setting up a blog.

If you are not very tech savvy (and let's be honest, most of us aren't), it may take you a minute to figure out how to setup a website in the first place.

Then you have to be writing and posting at least 2-3 articles a week if you hope to turn this into some sort of income within the next 1-3 years.

Yep.  1 - 3 years!  And maybe more!  Who really knows for sure.  

All I know is that starting a blog and blogging takes lots and lots of your time, especially if you hope to make money off of it any time soon.

Requires Serious Commitment

If that 1 to 3 year time frame and the consistently writing 2-3 posts a week didn't clue you in, I'm here to tell you that blogging requires some serious dedication and commitment.

No one likes to waste their time and I'm sure you don't either.  Time is precious and limited.  

So if you cannot see yourself committing to writing weekly posts for the next couple of years, you may want to pass on the blogging hustle.

But if you do decide to start, make the commitment to see it through.

It's Easy to Waste Money

It's very easy to fall into the trap of spending lots of money on fancy gadgets and apps that will supposedly make your life easier.  Before you know, it you'll have a kajillion subscriptions to things you never use and definitely don't need.

Further, instead of wasting time and money on getting the best theme and landing page app, you should be more focused on the writing.  The life force of any blogging venture.

Remember, there are no shortcuts to blogging success.  Most of the hard work you're going to have to do yourself.

Costs Can Add Up Fast

Then there are the things that you actually need that could cost you a grip.  When you are blogging to make some serious coin, you're going to need a little more bells and whistles than most.

Forget the done-for-you Wix and Squarespace sites, you're gonna need to find your own hosting provider, purchase your domain, get security for your site, and more.

This can easily add up to a couple hundred dollars a year and that's without purchasing a premium theme for your blog.

Not to mention that as your blog does start to take off, your gonna have to cough up more money as most of the free stuff is limited to blogs with a small audience.

The Odds are Not in Your Favor

Have you looked at the stats?  I'll be honest. I didn't.  And it never occurred to me to do so.  But one look at these stats can dishearten even the best of us.

There are more than 152 million blogs on the world wide web with a new post being upload every half second.  Talk about fierce competition.  

Furthermore, according to 99firms, 63% of all bloggers make absolutely no money at all.  At all.  Yikes.  And only 2% make over $150k per year.  And that wee 29% is making something in between.

With the odds stacked against you, some may wonder if it is even worth it to start.

Takes Time Before You Get Any Returns

Not only are the odds not in your favor, but it takes time before all your effort and hard work actually translates into a profit.

It can take years of writing 2 - 3 posts per week before you even begin to see some money coming in.  That is a lot of hard work and a long amount of time to be doing something, essentially, for free.

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reasons not to blog

Opportunity Costs

Should you choose to go ahead and start a blog, you must realize that in doing so you are giving up the opportunity to do something else.

There are plenty other ways you could be earning some extra cash now not later but with blogging taking up all your time you won't be able to do anything else.  

Furthermore, with the cash you could be earning you could be paying off debt or investing.  So you'll have to decide whether putting off earning money now for a chance to earn big bucks later is worth it. 

Requires Regular Updates

Another reason why you shouldn't start a blog is that unlike other side hustles it requires constant updates.  You need to be consistently posting on your blog in order to start ranking on search engines.

That means getting in some writing every day.  And this doesn't include the time you're going to need to dedicate to actually promoting your site on social media.

Blogging is definitely not a one and done endeavor.  You must be consistent with your planning, posting, and marketing.

Could Negatively Impact Your Career

It's no secret that many companies nowadays will google their applicants before hiring them or before even giving them an interview.

That's why if you want to start blogging you may have to choose your niche carefully and watch what you say in your blog.  You wouldn't want it to ruin your chances for a promotion.

But all this censorship can really put a damper on the blogging spirit. 

After all one of the founding principles of blogging was having that outlet to speak your mind and share your thoughts with the world.  If you find that you always have to edit and second guess yourself, it could take  the fun out of it fast.

So if you are concerned about your future bosses prying eyes, maybe you shouldn't start a blog.

Be sure to consider what you would be giving up in order to make blogging a financial success!

why you shouldnt start a blog

Technical Issues are a Pain

One big downside of blogging is the technical problems that come along with it.  I consider myself a semi-techie person with a love for programming but even for me, it is a headache and a half.

When you are blogging for income you can't afford a technical glitch getting in the way of your carefully planned blogging and marketing schedule or your money.  These things have to be taken care of immediately.

So if you are not up for the headache and stress that comes with unexpected technically issues, this could be a solid reason why you shouldn't start a blog.

It's Too Flexible

If you are someone who doesn't have the drive and motivation to finish what you started, then blogging may not be for you.

In and of itself it is a very flexible career path.  You can write and post as often as you like because really ... you're the boss.  There's no one forcing you to meet your deadlines.  You would have to do that yourself.

why you shouldnt blog

No Recipe to Follow

When you are baking a cake, you know that if you just follow the recipe everything will turn out perfectly.  With blogging, that is just not the case.  There is no recipe to follow to ensure your success as a blogger.

What worked for one person, may not work for you.  You are going to have to forge your own path and find out for yourself what works best for you.

You are a Perfectionist

One big reason why you shouldn't start a blog is if you are a perfectionist.  I mentioned this earlier but it's worth mentioning again because Perfect Pattys are, after all, perfect and blogging can be perfected right?

Maybe but definitely not at first.  In the beginning, things are probably not going to go your way.  There are going to be technical issues, things randomly not working as they should, etc. 

You may not be able to find that perfect theme or afford it even if you do.  And if you're one of those people where things have to be perfect, this could give you way more stress than it's worth.

What's more, blogging requires a different style of writing that may take some time to develop.  And that's okay.  You'll get better over time.  The important thing is to start writing and posting so that you can start ranking.  

But if you are a perfectionist, you're probably not likely to post anything that hasn't been perfected to the tee.  This can push your timeline back significantly.  And you'll make an already long process even longer.

You're Too Sensitive

The internet has been around long enough that we all know there are trolls among us.  These are the people who like to tear others down and just be all around twats hiding behind their computer screens.

If you are sensitive to what others say, you probably shouldn't start a blog.  

Although starting one, could present a great opportunity for you to grow and realize just how little other people's opinions of you matter.

why you shouldnt start a blog

It Can Be Lonely

There's no doubt about it.  Blogging, is an individual sport.  You will mostly likely be writing by yourself and posting the content on your own.

This can lead to a very lonely life if most of your free time is spent by yourself.  Maybe it won't be so bad for introverts but for those of us that love being out and about and around people, this career choice could be a very lonely one.

To combat the loneliness join Blogger groups on Facebook or Pinterest!  At least that way, you will have people who you can relate to!

Must Make Lots of Sacrifices

With all this time you will need to spend writing for,, posting to, and promoting your website, you'll find that you'll have very little time for anything else.  

Bye bye free time.  Sayonara partying with the homies.  Quality time with your children, spouse, or loved ones?  Well, you could probably kiss that goodbye too.  

So you'll have to decide.  Is blogging really worth it?

Overshare of Personal Information

One word: Stalkers.  It is very common as a blogger to share personal information about yourself.  You want other people to get to know you or relate to what you are saying.

The problem comes when you share too much.  There are plenty of weirdos out there and you don't want them following you home one day.

So if you do decide to blog, be careful about the amount of personal information you put out into the blogosphere.

Increased Screen Time

Blogging itself means that you, your computer, smartphone, and ipad will be attached at the hip.  You will live on your devices as you must continuously write posts and promote yourself on social media.

We all know the havoc this can wreak on your sleep patterns, your mood, and ultimately your life.  The question is: is it worth it?

why you shouldnt blog

Poor Posture/Health

Sitting in front of a screen all day can have some serious repercussions for your health.  Being hunched over for hours on end can leave you with some serious back problems and back pain later on.

Further, this increased sedentary lifestyle could cause an assortment of serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, anxiety, depression, and even cancer.

With most of the world in a less than optimal health, this could be a very good reason why you shouldn't start a blog.  Hands down your health and well-being is way more important than whatever money you can get from a job.

Even one as potentially lucrative as a blog.

Legal Liabilities

I don't know about other countries but in America lawsuits are more common than gum. 

Okay.  Full Disclosure.  I'm not sure if this is actually true.

In any case, law suits are a real threat when you decide to put yourself out there and start a blog.  Especially, if that blog has anything to do with health or money.

I can't imagine anyone being a fan of being sued and blogging just opens you up to more legal liabilities than most people would care for.  So enter at your own risk.

Continued Education

In the blogging world things are constantly changing.  There are new programs being written, new software being developed as we speak, and new facebook algorithms throwing a wrench in your old marketing plans.

If you want to compete with your competitors, your going to have to keep up with each and every new advancement and change your marketing strategies accordingly.  This means the learning never ends.  

So I'd say, if you don't love learning, then leave the blogging to the people who do.

why you shouldnt start a blog

No Work/Life Balance

Needless to say with all the time you will have to devote to making your blog grow, there is no such thing as work/ life balance.  There is only work.

Every spare moment you have will be dedicated to your blog.  You will find yourself researching topics while you eat.  Posting to instagram, facebook, and Pinterest while you're on your way to work.  Turning down outings with friends to crank out one more post.

Blogging is the ULTIMATE hustle.  And as such, it requires, more like demands all of your attention and all of your time.

Top Tips

  • Don't start a blog if you don't have a job.  You're gonna need some way to pay the bills while you slave away your free time blogging.
  • Do remember that money isn't everything.  Don't sell your soul for a dollar.
  • Always remember that as a blogger you have a responsibility to yourself and to your readers.  Maintain your integrity and take responsibility for the things you put out there.
  • No job is perfect.  The trick is finding something you can get behind.

All in All

Blogging is definitely not for everyone.  Deciding what's right for you and your family comes down to weighing the pros and cons of the situation.  

Hopefully this article gave you some insight into the other side of the story of why you shouldn't start a blog.  But if your heart is set on blogging, don't let these reasons stop you.  Cause when you know, you know.

*DISCLAIMER: The Information provided in this post is simply the opinions of the blogger and is given in the spirit of educational fun. It is not investment nor health advice. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you before investing in any asset or making any decisions. If necessary, seek the help of a certified professional in discussing your options.

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