August 24

Loving Money is Good for a Healthy Money Mindset

Money Mindset


In order for your money problems to become a thing of the past, you must learn to create a healthy money mindset.  Many of us have picked up bad habits and thoughts about money from our parents and the environment we grew up in.  

Who didn't beg their mother as a child for the latest new toy only to hear, "We don't have money for that"?  Or had their hopes for a cool summer vacation dashed with "Yeah, and who's paying for that?"

You may not have realized it but all these things have built up in your psyche to create your financial situation now.  The relationship you have with money is a direct result of what you learned as a child.  And it could potentially be blocking the wealth and abundance that we all have access to.  

In order to get past this blockage, we must learn to flip the script, to stop that broken record from playing over and over again.  To tell ourselves something different.

Having a healthy money mindset is not just about thinking and being positive, but in creating a new narrative.  A new story.  A new script about your relationship with money. 

Developing a truly healthy money mindset is not complicated and it is well within your reach.  It is based on a single concept.  This simple, everyday concept will change the way you interact with money forever. 

So, I'll let you in on the secret.  The key to creating a healthy money mindset is... LOVE.

why you should love money

For the Love of Money

Over the years, loving money has gotten a pretty bad rap.  So much so that even a hint of loving money will get you side eye and a swift un-friending on facebook.  So I wouldn't be surprised if you find yourself doubting this truth. I mean, seriously, what is this girl on about?

But give me a chance it.  This is truly the key to turning around your relationship with money.  And it starts with you loving money.  Go ahead. Let that sink in.

It's Not What You Think

Now I don't mean loving money as in, all you do is think about money and how you can get it, by any means necessary.  I don't mean chasing money and taking it even if it means stepping on everyone around you to do so...  Now see that? I would call an obsession.

Having a healthy money mindset is not about being obsessed.  Nor is it about having lots of money so that you can go buy a Lamborghini. Because, in my opinion, that is not loving money but loving material things.

But wait? Isn't loving money materialistic?  In and of itself, no.  Having money is essential to life as we know it.  No one is going to call you out for loving fresh air or loving food so why should they with money?

Money can be used for materialistic purposes however.  And maybe it is materialistic people who give money a bad rap.  If you love money just so you can buy expensive things and brag to your friends? Then yes, that is being materialistic.  

But if loving money is simply to cherish the thing that you are spending your life to earn, then I would say no.  After all, how could loving something you are giving your life for be bad?

There was a book I read as a child called For the Love of Money.  It was exactly what not to do with money and for money.  It epitomized the idea that loving money was bad and would ruin your life.

But I gotta say, that trope is old and it is high time we kicked it to the curb.  It's time we embraced a new paradigm - loving money is good.

healthy money mindset

Why Loving Money Will Help You Create Wealth

In order to create wealth, you must first change your perception of money.  By changing your belief that money and loving money is bad, you can begin to change your relationship with money.  

Loving money can help you get rid of the negative perceptions of money you grew up with it.  It can change your relationship with money and how you treat it.  In doing so, it will make you open to actually receiving more of it.

By loving money, you ensure that you will always have it.  People always go where they are loved and the same is true for money.  Living paycheck to paycheck will no longer be an issue when you learn how to treat money right.

For a healthy money mindset, the key is to love money.

dont hate money

Our Love-Hate Relationship With Money

Many of us, unknowingly, are in a love-hate relationship with money.  We love it when we have it but mostly, we hate money because there's never enough of it or it only seems to go to those people who exploit others.  And it always leaves too soon.  That dang heater broke again!?!

Well it's not money's fault and neither is it yours or bad luck.  It is just life.  And as soon as we stop blaming money for all our problems we can get back to living and just maybe life will be a little better.

Think about it this way.  That former friend you now hate, that co-worker who gets on your nerves, are they all up in your face dying to hang out with you?  Mostly likely not.  And why is that?  Because you hate them, and they know it.

The same is true for money.  If you run around holding a grudge against money, what makes you think money is gonna want to come hang out with you?

Healthy money mindset

Get Out of Your Own Way

The reason money isn't coming to you is because you are blocking it.  The good news is, once you remove those blocks, money will begin to seek you out.

And when it does you are going to need to know how to treat it, how to invest it, and how to make it grow.  

You and money? You are bout to be the bestest of friends.  I mean attached at the hip.  And when that happens, money problems will cease to exist.  At least for you.  Because you will always have the money to handle whatever life throws your way.

The key here is loving money.  Not being obsessed with it.

How to Start Loving Money

The first step to loving money is actively making the decision to do so. Changing a habit especially one so ingrained as 'loving money is bad' is going to take lots of commitment and perseverance.  So you must be ready to commit to changing your relationship with money.

Then you will have to put in the work.  If you ever find yourself thinking your old negative thoughts about money, stop and insert your new narrative.  You do that often enough and a new habit will form.  One that will help you build wealth and not keep you stuck in a rut.

Next, you have to actively work on changing your behavior when it comes to how you use and spend money.  Remember, actions speak louder than words.  So make them count!

If you want to start loving your money right, your gonna have to stop spending it on worthless things that add little to no value to your life. Those things which you will forget about 2 seconds after you bought it.

Start using your money for things that add value to your life, that bring joy to you and those around you.  Support a worthy charity.  

Pay extra for those healthy, organic whole foods that you know will be better for your health.  Invest it and allow it to grow.  Love your money and it will love you back.

With just a bit of awareness and dedication, you can definitely turn this ship around!

How Should You Treat Money?

The same as you would treat anything or anyone that you are in a loving relationship with.  Still unsure?  Let's take a quick look at what you should do with your money.

healthy money mindset

Create a Welcoming Environment

Roll out your fanciest welcome door mats because guess who's coming for dinner!  You definitely want to start off on the right foot with money so pull out all the stops.  Create an environment in which money will want to come and stay.

To start try not being so closed off from money simply because you've been told 'money is the root of all evil'.  This means opening yourself up and allowing money to be just that, money.  Neither good nor bad.

Remember, you are in control.  And it is you who decides how money is used, whether good or evil.  After all, it is your house.

Take Responsibility

As in any healthy relationship, you are going to need to be able to take responsibility for the situation you find yourself in.  If you are living paycheck to paycheck or struggling to make ends meet, ultimately, there is no one else to blame but you.

You have to take the initiative.  Take the necessary steps to turn your situation around.  Waiting for someone else (or money) to come and solve your problems won't work.  There's nothing like a needy person to make people (and money) run the other way fast.

Treat It With Respect 

You may be wondering, how can you treat money with respect? That doesn't make sense.  But, just as it is disrespectful to waste somebody's time, it is disrespectful to waste money.

Buying things that just sit in your closet for years untouched or food that you allow to go bad is a waste.  Squandering it on things that only give you temporary pleasure is also a waste.

Just think you are slaving away at work, spending your precious life energy just to earn this thing called money.  Do you really want to just throw it away on things that don't matter?

Of course not.  So buy things that matter.  Buy things that will add value to you and the ones around you.  And while you're at it, learn how to care for and protect your money.

Don't forget!  Money is powerful.  It can build a nation and tear it down. How you spend yours can be a political statement or the underpinnings of a movement.  With money, comes power.  And for that it deserves respect.

grow your wealth

Nurture it 

Once you learn how to treat money with the respect it deserves.  Then you need to learn how to care for it and make it grow.  The only things that grow are things that are alive.  And you are gonna want your money to be among the living. 

To grow your money, you're going to need to start investing it.  Whether it be in real estate, the stock market, or some other asset, you are going to want your money to be out there working for you.  

If you find it a nice home, you may come back in ten years to find that your money has been living good and has doubled or even tripled!

Don't Be Afraid to Let It Go

They say if you love something, let it go and if it comes back to you, it's yours.  If it doesn't, well, that just means you have a bit more to learn.

In an case, you are going to have to part with money at some point.  You can't keep your money chained to a vault in the basement locked away so no one else can get to it.  Cause in all seriousness, that's a bit creepy.

Money needs freedom too.  It can't grow while it is stuffed under your mattress.  So don't be afraid to invest it or to spend it on something worth while.

healthy money mindset

Don't Forget About Date Night!

In any great relationship there is always date night!  As you are saving and growing your money take some time out to go and celebrate.  Go to that new fancy restaurant that just opened up down the street.

Call the girls and head to the spa for VIP treatment.  Take that vacation with your family that you've always wanted.

Being responsible with money doesn't mean you are no fun! So every now and then take some of that money and go live it up!

When you love money and treat it right, it will love you back and more money will follow.

All in All

Loving money is the key to having a healthy money mindset.  It purges away all the negativity that may be blocking you from receiving the abundance that awaits us all.  

It allows us to write a new script, build a new narrative that will define our relationship with money and our future.  So learn to love money.  Treat it right.  And watch it grow.

*DISCLAIMER: The Information provided in this post is simply the opinions of the blogger and is given in the spirit of educational fun. It is not investment advice. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you before investing in any asset. If necessary, seek the help of a certified professional in discussing your options.

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Why I Love Money and You Should Too

Why I Love Money and You Should Too
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