April 29

7 Easy Steps to Shift Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance

Money Mindset


When it comes to shifting your mindset from one of scarcity to abundance, you may feel that it is a daunting task.  But it doesn't have to be. 

Making the shift can be broken down into easy to follow steps that, when done consistently, will begin to shift your mind from scarcity to one of abundance. And having an abundance mindset is crucial to leading a life that you love and enjoy. 

That's because our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality.  And in order to get to a place where you are living and loving life, you must first make sure your mindset is right.

Sadly, what holds most us back from getting to where we want to be is our mindset.  And it is our past experiences, our environment, and our parent's beliefs that shape our thoughts and determine our mindset quite early on.

The good news is if your beliefs aren't giving you what you want, you can always change it.  

So it's time to take inventory, ladies.  Take a look around you.  Are you where you want to be in your life?  If not, your mind may be in need of a reset.

I hope you have a pen and paper ready because today I'll be giving you the step by step actions you need to take in order to shift your mind from scarcity to abundance.

"The mind is everything.  Your thoughts become your reality."

scarcity mindset

The Scarcity Mindset

Before we dive in, let's get clear on what a scarcity mindset is and what it isn't.

The scarcity mindset is having the belief that resources such as money are limited.  It is believing that there is not enough for everyone and that we are all in a zero sum game.  Meaning, that if one person wins, the other must lose.

It is the classic, 'Every man for himself' kind of mentality.  And while it is often found in the poorer communities, there are rich people as well who have a scarcity mindset.

And with the pandemic and everything as it is now, I can imagine that many people may have shifted more towards this scarcity mindset.

As far as characteristics are concerned, people with a scarcity mindset are usually very anxious or stressed.  They tend to be depressed or show signs of hopelessness.  And they tend to have a negative take on the world and the people in it.

Does this sound like you or someone you know?


The Abundance Mindset

Unlike having a scarcity mindset, having an abundance mindset means knowing that there is more than enough for everyone.  And that goes for any resource, including money.

When you are thinking abundantly, you are not limiting yourself or anyone else. You are open to all of the possibilities that the world and this life has to offer. You can celebrate others' wins because you know that just because they are succeeding doesn't mean you must fail.

If you have an abundant mindset, you are confident with a high sense of self-worth.  You feel safe, secure, and protected.  And, most important of all, you know that no matter what, everything is going to work out.

Now, if you are not at this level quite yet, no worries.  You can be.  And that's what we are here to do.  

So now, let's get to making that mind shift from scarcity to abundance. 

Having an abundance mindset is knowing that everything is going to work out.

mindset shift awareness

Shifting from a Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset

If you are not where you want to be in your life, you've gotta stop and ask yourself why?  And realize that there must be a disconnect between your thoughts and the life you want.

And in order to get the life that you want, you must make that shift from thoughts of lack to ones of abundance.  

So how do you do that? Well, here are the 7 steps that'll help you develop and keep an abundance mindset.

Face Your Reality

The first step to shifting from scarcity to abundance is coming to terms with where you are now.  You must first realize that you are not in alignment and recognize that it is your thoughts and beliefs that are the reason for this.

Many of us have picked up bad habits and thoughts from our parents and our environments.  We've been inundated with tons of money myths that have since become unconscious beliefs.  And it is these beliefs that are holding us back.

Ultimately, to make any significant change in life, you need awareness, because, without it, you'll just keep doing (and thinking) the same old same old never realizing that there is a problem.

So you need to become aware of those thoughts that do no align with the life that you want. Then you need to take action to change them.

This means being ready so that whenever a negative or unaligned thought pops into your mind, you are ready to rewrite that thought with one that reflects where you want to be.

This takes time so don't stress if it doesn't come to you right away.  Just be consistent and over time you will see the changes in your life.

Action Steps to Take:

  1. Write down any negative/unaligned thoughts that you have.
  2. Change these thoughts to be more positive and reflective of the life that you want.
  3.  Each time you find yourself thinking the negative thought immediately flip the script and think your new thought.

Taking it One Step Further

When re-writing your script try to go a bit deeper than simply writing the opposite of your negative thought.  Because in order to truly change your beliefs, you need to find examples that prove the new thought is true.

Check out what I mean below.


  • Money is the root of all evil.  →  Money is the root of all things good.*

Money helps me provide food for my family.  Money is helping to give poor children in third world countries access to good education, etc.

  • It's hard to make money.  →  It's easy to make money.

There are so many online jobs teaching English around the world and all I need is internet and a computer.  I could do affiliate marketing for free and start making money, etc.

abundance mindset

Keep a Gratitude Journal 

The next step to making the shift is to keep a gratitude journal.  Now, I'm sure you've heard many times that the key to have a joyful life is having an 'attitude of gratitude'.   

And it is true.  Because just the act of being grateful pushes out any negative emotions you may have and fills you with joy and happiness.

When you write in a gratitude journal daily, you begin to shift your focus on the good things that you have in your life.  

And what you focus on multiplies.  So soon enough you'll begin to have more and more good things happening to you for you to be grateful for.

So think.  What are you grateful for?

Action Steps to Take:

  1.   Buy a notebook and pen and place it by your bed.
  2.  Before you go to sleep, when you wake up, or both, write down all the things you are grateful for in your journal.

Taking it One Step Further

One thing I like to do before I go to bed is to think about all of the good things that happened to me that day.  And I'm talking any and all good things.

For instance, a nice old lady said hi to me today.  Or maybe I was running late but my friend messaged me saying she was also running late.   Swoof!

Or maybe I got 20% off my purchase because the cashier lady hooked me up! Whatever it may be good is good.

By writing these good things down, you train your mind to look for the good throughout your day.  And each day you do this, the happier you'll become because you'll begin to notice all the good things that do happen to you on a regular basis.

money mindset affirmations

Use Daily Affirmations

Now I know that this might not be everyone's cup of tea but I can honestly say that affirmations work!  Especially when it comes to shifting your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance.

The trick with using daily affirmations is that you can't just say it and think that that is enough.  Because it's not. 

The key here is to not only say your affirmations, but to see it, feel it, and believe it.  Because when you have all three of those going for you, what you want is bound to happen.

So, think about the life you want.  Envision it, feel it, and believe it's going to happen.  Then use your vision of the future to make your daily affirmations. 

And keep them close by so you can go back and read them often.

Action Steps to Take: 

  1.  Write down your affirmations.
  2.  Put them somewhere you will see often and say them everyday.
develop skills

Develop Your Skills 

Now you may be wondering what does developing skills have to do with having an abundance mindset?  Well, bare with me and you will see.

Say, for instance, you are a budding photographer and you want to make photography your full time gig.  This means you're going to need to hone them skills girl!

So you go out, take a few classes, and, before you know it, you are a pro and people pay good money for your work.  And not just because of the skills you acquired, but also because of the person you became in order to get those skills.

When you make progress in the things that matter to you whether that is photography, swimming, or math, you become more confident in yourself and in your abilities.

And when you are more confident, your feelings of self-worth rises as well.  This means you are not afraid to charge what you're worth.  Plus, you'll feel more secure and know that, no matter the job, you can handle it. 

Why?  Because you got skillz!

So get out there and start leveling up!  Your future awaits!

Action Steps to Take:

  1.  Think about something you've always been interested in or something that will further your career.
  2.  Then go out and sign up for a class or find a mentor.
  3.  Be consistent and make sure you are constantly improving your skills and knowledge.

Developing your skills is a great way to boost your confidence which is necessary for an abundance mindset!

scarcity to abundance mindset goals

Set Goals

Talk about a boost in confidence.  When you set goals and achieve them, it does wonders for your confidence and your self-esteem.

So it is only natural that setting goals and making them happen is on the list for developing an abundance mindset.

Now these goals don't have to those Big Hairy Audacious Goals (for those of you familiar with Jim Collins).  It could be something simple like reading one book a month.  

Signing up for that class you've been meaning to take by the end of the day.  Or studying Spanish one hour a day.

Just remember, whatever goal you set, you must have an actual plan for achieving it.  And be sure to follow through!  Because the confidence you gain is from actually achieving what you set out to do!

Action Steps to Take:

  1.  Think of something you have been longing to do.
  2.  Set a date for when you are going to achieve it.
  3.  Then make concrete plans to get 'er done!
  4.  Be sure to set daily, weekly, and monthly goals!
out of comfort zone abundance mindset

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

One thing's for sure, you are never going to get more confident, gain more skills or knowledge, or grow as a person by doing the same old same old.

You have to make sure you are challenging yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different.  Because when you do, not only is it thrilling and exciting, but it reassures you that no matter what comes your way you can handle it.

I mean hey, if you can sing on stage in front of 100 people knowing you're tone deaf, you can do anything!

The moral of the story is to take chances because even if you fail or embarrass yourself or whatever it is, you will still come out the winner.  Because the knowledge, the confidence, and resilience you gain from that experience, makes it all worthwhile.

Action Steps to Take: 

  1.  Make a plan to do something out of your comfort zone once a week.
  2.  Then try to do something every day.
  3.  Make note of how you feel afterwards and what you learned about yourself.
abundance mindset

Surround Yourself With the Right People

It can not be stated enough that who you surround yourself with directly effects the life you live and your future.  Because it is the people you spend the most time with who will influence your beliefs, which, in turn, shapes your reality.

So if you are truly ready to make that shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset, you need to surround yourself with people who have abundant thinking.  

You cannot shift your mindset if you are surrounded by negative people or people who believe that it is every man for himself.  Because they will pull you down whether it is their intention or not.

This means you have to be ready to let go of those people, including family, who no longer serve you or your future life.  You may need to go out and make new friends but so be it.  

To have the life you desire, I think, it is definitely worth it.

Action Steps to Take:

  1.  Ditch the friends and family members who are just bringing you down.
  2.  Go out and make some new friends or spend more time with those people who have the right mindset.
  3.  Join facebook groups, meetups, clubhouse etc. to find your tribe.

Surrounding yourself with the right people will boost your spirits and keep your mind in the right place!

Okay... But What About the Hard Times?

There are times in your life when things aren't going to go as planned, when things are going to be hard for you.  But just remember that these difficulties were sent to you for a reason.

Look at your situation and try to figure out what is the lesson here.  What is it that I need to learn so that I can become who I am meant to be?

Hard times aren't there to single you out, but there to help you grow.  So always look for the lesson.  And remember,  everything is going to be alright.

*DISCLAIMER: The Information provided in this post is simply the opinions of the blogger and is given in the spirit of educational fun. It is not investment advice. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you before investing in any asset. If necessary, seek the help of a certified professional in discussing your options.

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  1. Thank you for the steps on changing the mindset from scarcity to abundance. I am definitely going to try the steps. I believe in the power of the mindset in the quality of lack of quality in life. Do you think that you would put together your articles in a self-help ebook one day?

    Thank you.

    A. Yvette

    1. Yeah try it out and let me know how it goes for you! For sure, our mindset does determine the quality of our lives. And I think working on the mindset is a continuous process that we all must revisit every now and then. Myself included! 🙂 That’s a great idea. I will consider doing that because I believe it is so important and I want everyone to be able to lead a life they love.

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