October 7

31 Reasons to Start a Blog in 2020

Building Wealth


With recent events being what they are it is easy to see why you should start a blog.  Many business are turning to the internet to help them reach more people and stay afloat.

Clearly, the future of business lies on the internet.  But it's not just the businesses turning to the internet for help.  

It is people like you and me who may have just realized that the once steady job is not so steady after all.  So even individuals have been flocking to the internet in droves trying to figure out a way to make money.  

You may have heard about all the money people have been making blogging.  Heck that's probably why you're reading this post now.  But making money isn't the only reason why you should start a blog.  

Starting a blog has many benefits both for you personally and for your career.  When you blog, you have the opportunity to become a new person.  Live a new life.  

And who wouldn't love a fresh start?  

So to a new life.  Let's get started.  Let's take a look at 27 reasons you should start a blog below.

why you should start a blog

Why You Should Start a Blog

Potential to Earn Some Money

Of course, we are going to start this off by talking about them coins! This is a personal finance blog after all.

And blogging gives you the opportunity to make some serious dough. This is a big reason why you should start a blog.  Unlike other side hustles, there are many ways you can earn money with a blog.

And the beauty of it all is that this money would be semi-passive. Meaning once you get the ball rolling it won't take much effort on your part to keep this cash machine going.

Now I must say it can take a while to get going so you'll have to hang in there.  But if you can stick it out, there's great potential for earning some good money.

Improve Your Writing Skills

Even if you don't consider yourself much of a writer, by starting a blog your writing skills will increase immensely.  What used to take you a day to write, will suddenly only take you a few hours.

Not to mention the quality of your writing will go up.  Your articles will be more engaging, your followers will increase, and before you know it, you may even have magazines and journals knocking down your door to have you guest post (okay, mildly wishful thinking on my part, fingers crossed).

Boost Your Resume

Another great reason why you should start a blog is because, in doing so, you will learn new skills.  Skills that companies want.

You'll learn how to take captivating pictures and how to edit them.  To promote your blog, you will dive into the inner workings of facebook, instagram, and Pinterest.  You'll learn how to write good copy.

And with your new marketing, photography, and editing skills  you will be in high demand.

reasons to start a blog

Learn New Soft Skills

Even though this is a post about why you should start a blog, no one ever said that starting a blog would be easy.  Blogging takes hard work and dedication.

You may need to focus solely on your blog for maybe 1 to 2 years before you see any profit.  Without discipline, your blog will fall by the wayside like so many before it.

But if you can do it, you will gains skills that money can't buy.  I'm talking iron-clad discipline, laser-sharp focus, and the unwavering ability to stay motivated.  

Not to mention, with all the moving pieces that go into making a blog a success, you'll be a master at time management and project management as well.

These skills that would make the best of the best companies come begging you to work for them.

Opens the Doors to Greater Opportunities

Speaking of companies begging you to work for them.  Here's another reason why you should start a blog.  Opportunities abound!

As a blogger you not only grow your skill set but you also undergo a personal growth that make the people around you take note.  This sets the stage for you to be ready when opportunity comes knocking.  And it will come knocking.

Blogging could lead you into a promising freelance writing career.  You could become a bestselling author or launch a lucrative career in marketing or maybe even become the next big celeb!

Blogging opens up a world of opportunity.  This might just be the best reason why you should start a blog.  I mean, who doesn't like to have options.

Become More Tech Savvy

While you don't necessarily need any tech skills to start a blog, you will probably pick some up along the way.  Website design, email marketing and management, and maybe a wee bit of coding to go along with it.

This is a great thing as the world becomes more and more technologically dependent by the second.  You know that the skills you develop here will always be useful and always in demand. 

Build an Audience

If you are looking to go into business for yourself, starting a blog is a great way to establish your brand.  By posting and connecting with different people on a regular basis, you will begin to build a fan base.

If done right, they could be your supporters for life.  They will keep coming back to your site and will share your posts on their social media. Helping you grow your audience organically (and exponentially).  A godsend for any business.

Search Engines Rank Blogs High

It's no secret that search engines love blogs and tend to rank them very highly.  So if you have a business or are looking to start one, this is one reason why you should start a blog.

Not only does it give your business increased exposure to millions of people around the world, but it also gives you the opportunity to build an audience.

why you should start a blog

Be an Inspiration to Others

Starting a blog puts you in a unique position where, because of your online presence, you can really be an inspiration to others.  No matter what niche you ultimately decide to go into.

You could inspire them to lead healthier lives, to get out of debt once and for all, or to finally start traveling and seeing the world.

As a blogger you can truly change people's lives for the better.  But remember with great power comes great responsibility.

You are Your Own Boss

When you are a blogger, you get to decide when you will work and how often.  You are your own boss.  There's no one telling you what you should and shouldn't be doing.

Blogging gives you the freedom to go at your own pace.  So if you want to skip a week, be my guess.  Not feeling it today?  No worries.  

You write the rules. After all, you're the boss.

It's a Creative Outlet

For many of us, when we become adults we don't have the opportunity to flex our creative muscles like we used to.  Most of our 9 to 5s have nothing even remotely related to creativity.

So starting a blog could help you use your creativity more.  This can reduce your stress and anxiety and help you think more clearly.  Furthermore, it will improve your problem solving skills.

Both of which would come in handy in your day job.  Who knows with your creative juices flowing and your problem solving capabilities on point maybe your boss will see fit to give you a promotion.

Low Cost of Entry

Unlike some side hustles, starting a blog can be done with less than $80. I mean, if you were to go into photography, the camera alone is going to cost you at least $1,000.

Because of this, blogging is an excellent choice.  Especially, if you're looking to venture into a new side hustle and just want to dip your toes in before fully committing. 

Don't Need Special Skills to Get Started

Going along with its low start-up costs is the fact that you don't need any extra skills to get started.  You can start blogging today if you really wanted to.  It's just that easy.

You don't need a Ph. D in writing or lit.  There's no need to have a marketing degree or to have programming knowledge.  With all the software out there, you can do most things with the click of a button.

All you have to do is write.  And you can be crap at that too.  Because in the beginning, it doesn't matter.  Over time you'll improve.  Then you can go back and fix those crap posts. 

You can start blogging for less than $80!  And anyone can do it! Yes. Even YOU!

Multiple Money Making Opportunities

Another huge reason why you should start a blog is that there are multiple ways you can monetize your blog.  With multiple chances to earn money, the likelihood that you'll make some increases.

Here are some of the ways you could monetize your blog:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Paid Ads
  • Creating & Selling Products
  • Memberships/Subscriptions
  • Online Courses
  • Drop Shipping
  • Sponsored Content
  • Selling Services (Consulting, etc.)

Scalable Over Time

Blogging may be a little slow in the beginning but once you get momentum and it begins to take off, you'll find that you don't have to post as much as you did in the beginning.

You can take more breaks and still get the same results (perhaps more) as you are now well-known in your field and your followers are spreading the word for you.

Furthermore, once you start making some money you can start paying for those apps that allow you to leverage your time and energy.  Where it used to take hours to schedule all of your marketing, you can now do with one well-designed app.

Provides Magnifiable Reach

The internet connects millions and billions of people all around the world.  And these people are at your fingertips when you decide to start a blog.

Sure.  Starting out no one will even know about your blog.  But, in time, as your blog grows, your reach will increase exponentially.  Before you know it, you just might be reaching those millions or billions world wide.

reasons to start a blog

Become Part of a Supportive Community

Blogging is hard work.  There are times where you may struggle to continue or stay motivated.  But as you may be able to tell from reading this post, bloggers are awesome people. ^^

As bloggers, we understand the struggle and are always willing to support one another.  Once you start blogging, you should definitely join a blogger community on facebook or slack.  Wherever. 

Other bloggers will understand your struggle and can also help out if you have any questions at any time in your blogging journey.

Build Your Own Community

Another reason why you should start a blog, is to build your own niche-specific community.  Maybe your friends or those around you just aren't into the things you are.  Like anime, knitting, or base jumping.

By starting a blog, you have the opportunity to build a community around something you love.  You'll begin to connect with people who share your same interests.

Finally, someone who gets my love of pineapple pizza! (Sidenote: It is actually the best pizza.  Hands down. Don't hate!)

Finding your community can help you be more comfortable with yourself and provide some relief in knowing you always have someone to talk to.

Gain a Better Understanding of Yourself

When you start out on any new adventure that challenges you and pushes you to your limits, you begin to discover more about yourself.

Blogging is one of those ventures.  When you become a blogger, both your strengths and your weaknesses become apparent fast.  You quickly learn what you're good at and what you aren't.

The real test is then whether you can find a way to use your strengths to your advantage.  And, more importantly, figure out how to overcome your limitations so you can do what needs to be done to be successful.

Talk about personal growth!

Learn How to Be Self-Motivated

When you are a blogger, you are your own boss.  There's no one telling you what you should do or when.  

Therefore, if you want to become a successful blogger you're going to have to find a way to motivate yourself to do what you need to do to meet your goals.

Being able to motivate yourself goes a long way in helping you achieve success in any and every career.  

You Don't Need to Be an Expert to Start

What holds people back from doing the things they want to do in life is that they feel unqualified.  Especially, us women.  We let the imposter syndrome stop us from asking for a promotion (we deserve) or applying to a high level exec position.

But you don't need to worry about that with a blog (nor should you let it hold you back in any other aspect of your life either).  You don't have to be an expert in something to blog about it.

You start off by writing about what you do know.  Then over time as you continue to read and research, you will become more knowledgeable. Which leads us to the next reason why you should start a blog.

Increase Your Expertise

The more you delve into your topic, the more you'll learn.  And along the way, you will find that your expertise will increase exponentially and so will your confidence.  This goes a long way in defeating that imposter syndrome.

Become an Authority

With all that studying, learning, and increased expertise, you'll find that, in time, you are the expert.  You will suddenly be the authority in your niche.

Now this is clearly something that won't happen overnight.  But when you become an authority, people will trust you and look to you for the answers.

It can be nice knowing that you KNOW your stuff and can help other people who don't.

Can Work From Anywhere

The number one reason to start a blog for me is that you can blog from anywhere in the world.  It's not location specific so if you really wanted to (and if your blog was bringing in the big bucks), you could work from anywhere in the world. 

Digital nomadism is such a popular movement at the moment.  So knowing the side hustles that are location free is a must.

Gain Confidence

When you are just starting out you may not be quite sure what to say or how to write, but over time you get better.  Your writing improves, your technical skills improve, and so does your knowledge and expertise.

With all this growth, there's no wonder that blogging can help you gain more confidence.  Both in yourself and in your skills.  

Free to Write About What You Love

Blogging is wonderful because you can choose a topic you love, explore it more, learn more about it, and share your love with the rest of the world.  

So take the opportunity to release your passions into the world.  Start a blog.  The world will be a better place because of it.

The Potential for Exponential Growth

There are not many other side hustles out there that have the potential for exponential growth like blogging does.

You never know when what you write will reach the right person and go viral.  Suddenly, overnight your blog is exploding with traffic.  And the money is pouring in!

Oh to dream a dream!

But seriously, it has happened and could happen again.  The potential for growth in blogging is limitless. 

Release your passion into the world.  And make it a better place.

It Can Be Lots of Fun

Well of course it can be fun! I wouldn't do it otherwise!  Okay, actually maybe I would.  Ya girl does need some coins.

But if you choose your niche right, blogging can be really enjoyable and fulfilling.  I mean, you get to talk about the things you love, connect with other like-minded individuals, and potentially make money from it.  

What could be better?

why you should start a blog

Self Expression

Blogging is one way you can fully express yourself without caring about what others say.  Because, if you wanted to, you could potentially blog with complete anonymity.  

So if you're looking for the reason why you should start a blog, this is it. Self- Expression.

There are not many options out there that will allow you to express yourself so freely as you can with blogging.  And for that reason, it gets my vote.

The World Needs Your Story

Every one of us is unique and special in our own ways.  We come from different backgrounds, grow up in various places, and have unique life experiences.  

In short, we all have a different story.  

I believe we all should have the opportunity for our story to be heard. You never know how your story might inspire another or save someone's life.

So start a blog.  And let your story be heard.


Isn't this want everyone truly, deeply wants?  Freedom.  

Well, when you start a blog, you have the potential to achieve just that. You have the freedom to choose your topic, the freedom to work from wherever you want, and the luxury of being your own boss.

Starting a blog, especially a successful one, opens the door to your freedom.  The possibilities await.

Useful Tools for Starting Your Blog

Bluehost: This is the hosting platform that I use for my blog.  I love Bluehost.  They've been around for ages and offer 24/7 support.  If you use this affiliate link, you can start blogging for less than $4 a month.

WordPress.org:  Here you can find free themes for your blog.

Unsplash:  I use this site to get free pictures for my blog.  You could also checkout Pexels.

Canva:  I love Canva!  It's free and is my go-to for designing promotional material for my instagram, facebook, and pinterest accounts.  They have everything you could ever need or want.  

All in All

Blogging truly does have some amazing benefits and it is not hard to see why you should start a blog.  But, blogging isn't for everyone.  Some personalities are just not well suited for it.  

So before you take the leap, take time to look at some reasons you shouldn't start blogging.  You should at least know the plusses and the minuses if you are going to make the best decision for you.

*DISCLAIMER: The Information provided in this post is simply the opinions of the blogger and is given in the spirit of educational fun. It is not investment advice. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you before investing in any asset. If necessary, seek the help of a certified professional in discussing your options.

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