October 21

18 Reasons You Should NEVER Do Black Friday

Budgeting, Building Wealth, Savings


If you are anything like I was, Black Friday is something you look forward to every year.  It is the best time to shop and get amazing deals (or so we've been told).  But, recently, I've been thinking and I've realized there are a ton of reasons why you shouldn't do Black Friday.  Like ever.

Honestly, it really is the most pointless day-turned-holiday ever.  Though it may seem otherwise, Black Friday was never made to help you.  It was started to help companies get a jump on holiday sales and end the year in the black.

In 2018, Americans spent over $6.2 billion dollars on Black Friday.  And in 2019 that number jumped to $7.4 billion in online shopping alone.  And with sales starting earlier and earlier, even Thanksgiving Day pulled in around $4.2 billion.

A sweet deal.  If you're a business.

One thing's for sure, our spending is getting out of control.  And if you're serious about building your wealth, Black Friday has got to go.  Sorry not sorry.

Just think.  What would that $11.6 billion dollars amount to if everyone had just saved and invested it?

So we gotta make a decision y'all.  What's it gonna be?  Temporary happiness? or long-term freedom?

reasons not to shop Black Friday

Why You Should Never do Black Friday. 

I know I know just thinking the thought kinda hurts your feelings but trust me you will be better off skipping Black Friday this year.  And not just because of the pandemic.  Let's check out some of these reasons below.

You don't really need it

The main reason you shouldn't do Black Friday is because most of the things you buy, you never had any intentions of buying in the first place.

Be honest with yourself.  Do you really need that new big screen TV? Or are you buying it just cause it's on sale?

Your old one is working just fine (even if it is a wee bit on the small side) and it could probably last a few more years.

Do you need that new laptop?  Bluetooth headset?  Or are you just feeling the shopping spirit because everyone else is?

Many people believe the scarcity hype that the media puts out there to make them think that this is a once and a lifetime deal and that if you don't get it, someone else will.

But if you didn't have plans to buy it before you saw the ad for the massive sale, you probably shouldn't be buying it.  

Spending your money just because you can save $20 on something you didn't need in the first place is not a bargain, it's a waste.

And at what cost?

With all the money that you are spending (and spend every year) on Black Friday think about all that you could have saved, the debt you could have paid off, the money that could've been invested and how much you would have now.

Is something you don't need worth all that?

reason not to shop black friday

You will overspend

Another big reason you should never do Black Friday is because you will end up spending too much.  This is not an 'if-and-or-but' kind of thing but a definite.  

If you go out on Black Friday, you will overspend.  No matter how much budgeting or planning you do beforehand.

When you are out and about and surrounded by other people in the shopping spirit, you are bound to pick up more things you didn't intend to buy and, definitely, don't need.

And companies know that.  If they can get you to come in to buy one thing, the likelihood that you will end up buying more is high.  That's why they do everything they can to get you in the door.

I don't want your candy.  Mr. Raper Man... (Gotta love "Martin")

So to avoid being swept up in the massive spending spree that is Black Friday, your best bet is to not go out at all.

The products are cheap

The worst part about all these sales, the hype, and the ads that the companies run for Black Friday is that the products they are promoting, the big ticket items, are usually a couple seasons old and low quality.

They are the knock-offs that nobody wanted last year so now they're trying to trick you into buying them this year.

Ever wonder why those laptops, TVs, etc. are always made by some random company that you've never heard of?  Well, that's why.

Furthermore, these big sale items do not have the latest technology nor all the bells and whistles you know you actually want.  So why settle for less?

Don't fall into the trap of buying things just because they are on sale. Make sure you actually want that specific product before you go fight your way through the crowds for it.

reason not to shop Black Friday

There are better deals online

The crazy thing is with all the hype about Black Friday and everyone rushing to the stores to get these must have sales, you can usually find even better deals online.

Instead of leaving your warm cozy bed to fight the masses for a cheap TV, you could be at home sipping on your hot cocoa, push a button, and have that same cheap TV shipped to you the next day.

This saves you on stress, time, and money.  What can be better than that?

Though I must say, even with the better deals online, I'm still of the mind that you should still skip that too.  Why? 

Because there are much more worthwhile things you could be doing with your money.  Like paying off those student loans and saving for your future.

Imagine.  Being truly debt free and being able to do anything you want.  That's the power of financial freedom.

It overshadows the true reason for the season

Need another reason you should never do Black Friday?  Here's one. Black Friday has gotten so big that people have started to forget about Thanksgiving and the whole reason for the season.  

Thanksgiving is a time where we are supposed to be celebrating and expressing our gratitude for all that we have.  It is supposed to be a time spent with our families enjoying a nice meal together and expressing our thanks.  

But lately, with stores opening earlier and earlier, people have been cutting Thanksgiving short just to get a jump on Black Friday shopping.

I know.  Because I've totally been guilty of it in the past.  

But, in doing so, we are totally neglecting the whole point of Thanksgiving and instead electing for a stress filled day of fighting crowds of people for very limited sale items that will probably sell out before we get there.

Think of it this way.  You are giving up a relaxing day with the fam for a stress filled day with strangers.  Not exactly a recipe for happiness.

Don't let Black Friday shopping overshadow the Reason for the Season!

That Shopping High is fleeting

Speaking of happiness here's another reason you should skip out on Black Friday this year.  That high you feel from shopping and getting a bargain wears off fast.

You may think that shopping on Black Friday is exciting and fun.  And truth be told it is kinda fun. 

You may even love the feeling of getting a great price for something that you've wanted.  But you and I both know that that feeling won't last.

The excitement and novelty of that 60" plasma eventually wears off. You'll forget how much you paid for it and how much you actually saved.

Soon, all you'll be left with is a low quality TV that you will want to replace at next year's Black Friday sale.

reasons you should never do Black Friday

The best deals are much later

Another big reason you should never do Black Friday is that the best deals are later in the year.  Even though Black Friday has been touted as the best day to shop for the holidays, it, actually, is not.

Electronics, exercise equipment, games, and toys all have much better sales just before Christmas and right after.  If you just wait a few weeks, you would really be able to get your hands on some steals.

Usually use Black Friday for you Christmas shopping?  Why not do something different for Christmas this year?  Check out these alternative Christmas gift ideas!

No guarantee you will get what you want

With all the ripping and running and waiting in long lines, you may find that everything you had wanted is already sold out.  

This is especially true as most stores limit the quantity of sale items.  And some even allow you to buy the products ahead of time, then take it back later to receive the Black Friday discount.

I tell ya.  Planning your Black Friday game plan can be more complicated than planning a heist.  And I have to ask again.  Is it really worth it?

Black Friday Shopping Crowds

There are too many people

Another reason you should never do Black Friday is because there are just way too many people.

I am definitely not one for crowds and Black Friday is the KING of crowds.  People will practically be breathing down your neck everywhere you go.

Not only because they want to get that new switch pro before you do but because there is no where else for them to go.

So if being in a swarm of people just doesn't quite do it for you, you may want to pass on this shopping spree.

The lines are horrific

If people breathing down your throat isn't bad enough, imagine the long lines you will have to wait in.  Twice.  The first, just to get in the door and the second, when you are trying to buy your items.

Do you really want to spend the day after Thanksgiving, possibly hungover but definitely over full, standing in lines that will take hours to get through?

Return policies may be very strict

Another thing to beware of with Black Friday shopping is that most stores will change their return policies.  And you may find yourself spending thousands of dollars with no real purchase protection should your goods be damaged or defective.

Make sure you take a good long look at the store's return policy before making any purchases, should you still decide to brave the crowds.

Black Friday Madness

It will bring out the worst in you

When you are stressed, pressed for time, and in all out scarcity mode, you are bound to do some things you will regret later.  That's why you should never do Black Friday.

The whole premise of Black Friday is every man for himself.  And it's these kinds of situations that tend to bring out the very worst in people. Every one is the "enemy" and it becomes a kill or be killed kind of situation. 

Fights break out over the last playstation on sale.  People get heated over someone cutting them off.  You fuss out the cashier because she's moving to God dang slow and you've got places to be!

My advice.  Save yourself the schizophrenic episode and just stay home.

It's not good for your health

If the schizophrenic episode wasn't enough to convince you that Black Friday may not be good for your health, maybe this will.

Stress has been linked to a whole host of diseases and illnesses such as heart disease, IBS, and even cancer.  And, frankly,  just thinking about Black Friday is stressful.  

You probably won't get much sleep if any the night before.  You'll be outside in the cold for hours waiting for stores to open.  Then once they do, you have to try and race to get the things you want before the hundreds of others get there first.  Talk about stress.

In addition, every year a number of men, women, and children are injured or killed on Black Friday.  There have even been cases of people being trampled to death.  It has gotten so out of control that they have an entire website dedicated to it.

I don't know about you, but saving $50 on a laptop, is not something i'm wiling to die for.

Your time and money could be better spent

I've mentioned this before but it is definitely worth mentioning again. There are so many better ways to use your money than spending it on things that will someday become useless.

Here are some ways you could be using your money instead:

  • Building an Emergency Fund
  • Saving for Retirement
  • Building Your Child's Education Fund
  • Paying Off Debt
  • Building Wealth Through Investing
  • Saving to Buy a House

Furthermore, wouldn't you rather be spending more time with your loved ones, enjoying their company?  Rather than fighting strangers for the last plasma TV?

Again, is it all really worth it?

Think of the employees

I really feel bad for the employees during this time because can you imagine?  Having to go in on Thanksgiving to work, stocking shelves, readjusting the floor layout to squeeze everything in, all the extra labeling, etc.

Then having to deal with all the crazy people the next day yelling at you and all around stressing you out further?  It seems really terrible.  

But I mean who knows?  

Maybe they don't mind the extra work or dealing with frantic people.  And maybe their company is paying them well for all this overtime. Maybe.

It's a waste of time and gas

Another reason you should never do Black Friday is that it is a waste of your precious time and gas.  

You'll find yourself getting up well before the crack of dawn (or just not sleeping) all so that you can run all over town, stand outside in the freezing cold for hours, and fight the crowds just to try and snag a few deals.

Most of which will probably be sold out before you get there. 

Do yourself a favor.  Save your time and your gas.  Skip it.

You must watch out for scammers

With so many people out and about, ripping and running to buy every and anything, there are going to be people out there ready and willing to take advantage your eagerness to get a good deal.

Not to mention, with all the people packed together, it is easy for people to pick pockets and get into other mischief.  

And with security generally at an all time low, someone could easily rack up thousands of dollars of debt on your credit card.

So if you do decide to go, take extra precautions.

never shop on Black Friday

It'll be there next year

The funny thing about Black Friday is that it is literally the same thing every year.  You know there are going to be lots of big screen Tv's on sale, plenty of computers, games, toys, tablets, and pretty much every electronic you can think of.

There is absolutely nothing new.  So skipping out on Black Friday every now and again is not gonna really hurt you. 

After all, there's always next year.  And the year after that.  And the year after that.

There is always next year! As the Black Friday deals are the same every year!

What You Should Do Instead?

Have I convinced you to not do Black Friday yet?  Well, for those of you on the fence or for those who have decided to join me.  Here's what you could do instead.

Family Fun Day

I imagine it's not very often you get to see all of your extended family in one place under one roof.  So why not take this time to actually spend time with them?

While the gang is still in town organize a family fun day.  You don't have to do anything fancy like book the nearest Trampoline park.  But you could have a little wine and paint party, play some board games, or play a little competitive sports with the fam.

Not only will you be spending some quality time with your family and extended relatives but you would also be creating new memories and shared experiences together.  

You could even organize an event with the other families in your neighborhood.  Have a bit of a sports day.  Give out prizes.  Get everyone outside moving, bonding, and just enjoying each other's company.

Connecting with others and building a stronger community is really what this season is all about.

Explore the Outdoors

What better way to celebrate the season and spend time with loved ones than by spending some time in nature.  You could go on a hike with your family, walk along the beach, or head to the nearest park for a nice relaxing day. 

Not to mention that getting a little exercise is the best way to atone for all the junk food you pigged out on the day before!

So take some time to get outside,  enjoy the crisp fall air, and relax after a long day of cooking, cleaning, and socializing.

Support Small Business Saturday

If you are just feeling the need to spend your money in some way, form, or fashion, at least do it for a good cause.  

Instead of doing Black Friday, why not consider shopping at the local small businesses in your neighborhood.  Small businesses are truly the lifeblood of any community. 

This year, especially, small businesses have been hit really hard.  And I'm sure your support would really go a long way in helping these businesses stay afloat.

The Golden Rule:  Spend your time, Not your money!

All in All

With so many reasons you should never do Black Friday, are there any reasons that you should?  Well.  Maybe.  If there was a specific item that you actually wanted before and now it's on sale, then sure why not.

But if not, you should pass. 

I think the quote above says it all.  Spend your time, not your money.

Don't let the reason for the season get lost in a bunch of advertisements and sales.  Enjoy your time with loved ones, celebrating all you have to be grateful.

Your time is more valuable than anything in this world.  Spend it wisely.

Want to make some more cash?  Check out Blogging as a Side Hustle: The Ultimate Guide!

*DISCLAIMER: The Information provided in this post is simply the opinions of the blogger and is given in the spirit of educational fun. It is not investment advice. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you before investing in any asset. If necessary, seek the help of a certified professional in discussing your options.

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