October 4

22 Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

Budgeting, Savings


After rent, one of your biggest expenses is probably food.  So when it comes to saving money, saving money on groceries can really go a long way.

Nowadays, there are apps that you can use to get coupons or compare prices in your area such as Ibotta and Instacart.  But when you go into the supermarket do you know what you should do to maximize your savings?

Mastering the art of saving money could go a long way to helping you prepare for your future.  And with many people not saving nearly enough for their future retirement, the sooner you learn, the better.

Check out theses 22 tips you can use to save money on your groceries.  And start saving today!

22 Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

saving money on groceries

Do Cash Only

When you go shopping, only bring enough cash with you for the groceries you intend to buy.  Nothing more, nothing less.  

Leave the credit cards at home because they will tempt you into buying more than you planned.  And what you want to do is take away the option of overspending.  Because if it isn't an option, you can't do it.  No willpower needed.

Furthermore, shopping with cash makes you more aware of the money you are spending and helps you to stay on budget.  Because when the cash runs out, that's it.

So if you want to save money on groceries, make sure you are doing cash only.

Limit the Amount of Times You Go

Another thing you'll want to do if your interested in saving money on groceries is to limit the amount of times you go to the store.  Going to the grocery store a lot means you will be spending a lot more money than you budgeted for.

Sometimes we forget to buy something and decide to just "drop in" real quick to pick it up.  But that real quick is never real quick.  And by the time you leave the market you will have spent 5 times more than what you planned and 30 minutes of your day.

If you don't buy it the first time around, I say leave it.  Get it next time.  Because if you go in to the supermarket, you are bound to leave with more than you planned.  After all, that is what they are designed to do.  Keep you there and get you shopping.

Besides, you don't want to go over your budget.  So chalk it up as a loss and put it on the list for next week.

Avoid the Middle Isles

When you go shopping for groceries, to save money you should stick to the outside of the market.  There you'll find pretty much everything you need such as fruits, veggies, bread, meat, and dairy. 

In contrast, the middle isles are full of the expensive packaged goods that entice you to buy them with the idea that they will make your life easier.

You'll grab cereal that you can whip into food in a flash, sauces to make your food pop, and frozen food that you can just throw into the microwave and voila! dinner is served.

But all this convenience comes at a price.  And it usually hits your wallet hard. Instead, why not try making your own sauces or whipping up your own frozen food?  Doing that could save you a lot of money on groceries.

saving money on groceries

Time Your Trip to the Grocery Store

As they say the early bird catches the worm and that is very true for many supermarkets.  If you go early in the mornings, you can take advantage of the sales and early bird specials.

But hey, if you can't do that, no worries.  You might not be an early bird and that's fine.  Another thing you could try is going to the market in the evenings just before they close.  

Why?  Because this is when the bakery and deli will have sales as they try to sell their goods before closing.  

The same goes for farmer's markets.  Going in the evening can get you some huge discounts on your groceries.  And there are less people that you'd have to fight for that last batch of kale.

Sure, you might miss out on some items if you don't go earlier, but by the end of the day, you can get some huge discounts.  Cause, trust me, they don't want to lug all that stuff back home with them!

Also, you may want to avoid going grocery shopping on weekends as that is when most people go and the sales just won't be as good..

Know When It's Sale Day

Of course, the best time to go shopping for groceries is when the supermarkets have their sale days.  Most supermarkets have them the same time every week and it is usually midweek when the new inventory comes in.

With new inventory coming in, these stores will want to sell as much of their old goods as possible.  So they will typically have big sales just to get those products moving.

That is the best time to go shopping for your groceries.  So figure out when your supermarket gets its new shipments and go then.

comparing prices

Compare Prices

We are definitely creatures of habit.  And sometimes we get stuck in just going to our usually market when we are shopping for our groceries.  But get in the habit of checking around and comparing the prices for these goods at other supermarkets.

You may be surprised to find that you've been overpaying on some items for years.  And this new find could save you hundreds of dollars a year.  Definitely, worth the time to look around and see what's what.

Especially since they now have apps that allow you to compare prices.  All from the comfort of your home.

Stick to Your List

It's easy to get distracted by sales and discounts and whatever else they flash in your face at the supermarket.  But it is important that you stick to your budget if you want to save money on groceries.

And to do that, you need to write up a grocery list and stick to it.  Set a hard no for the things not on your list even if they are on sale.  This might be hard to do at first but with time, it'll get easier.

You will find some of the best sales when your local grocer gets their new inventory!  Make that your shopping day!

saving money on groceries

Shop In Season

Another key to saving money on groceries is to know what to buy and when. When fruits and veggies are in season and grown locally, you can find them for a reasonable price at your supermarket.

However, when those same fruits and veggies aren't in season, their prices can increase dramatically and you can find yourself paying a premium.  

The same goes for goods that come from farther away.  Not only are they not as fresh as the local produce but they can sometimes cost more for all the shipping they do. 

Raid Your Pantry Before You Go Shopping

It is important to know what you have to work with before you head to the grocery store to pick up things.  So go through your pantry beforehand, to see what things you need and what you don't.

Because you definitely don't want to return from the store only to realize you now have 3 boxes of Coco Puffs when you thought you had none.

What's more, going through your pantry beforehand can help you plan your meals for the week.  Now that you know what you do have, you can plan to make use of them so you don't spend more money than you need to at the supermarket.

Avoid Processed Food & Products

If you truly want to save money on groceries, you'll stop buying processed food and products.  Not only are these food not good for your health but they can also put a huge dent in your wallet.

These products are expensive so the more you can avoid them the better.  

You could take it as a challenge and try to replace things that you would normally buy pre-made and do it yourself.  It could be a fun project that you do with your family.

Grow Your Own Food

Sure, you may not have the time or space to grow everything, but maybe you can choose one or two veggies or herbs to grow in your backyard.

By doing so, you have one less thing you have to buy at the store.  And over time, you will end up saving lots of money on your groceries.

I have been growing small things like oregano and basil on my balcony, and I love it.  It is really nice having fresh herbs that you can take from your own garden and use in your cooking.  And it saves you good money at the same time.

Growing your own food is fun, reconnects you with nature, and saves you money!

shopping calculations

Keep a Running Tally of the Costs While You Shop

A great way to stay on budget when you go grocery shopping is to keep a tally of all the items in your cart and their costs as you shop.  This way you can ensure that you don't spend more than you are supposed to.  

It can also help stop you from impulse buys of things you don't actually need and didn't plan on buying.  

Also, be sure to round up when you tally up those costs.  That way, you'll always be below budget.

Do Meatless Mondays

It may come as no surprise to you that meat is much more expensive than veggies.  So if you can start doing meatless Mondays once or twice a week, you may find that you are able to save a good chunk of change by doing so.

Again make it fun for you and the family.  And once you get into the habit of doing it, you won't even miss the meat.

Buy Generic

If you're interested in saving money on groceries, the best way to do that is to buy generic.  Those brand name products that we all know and love, while satisfying to buy, are not so good for your budget.

Especially, if you want to save money.  Because if you do, buying the generic version is the way to go.  Besides, there have been studies that have shown that people are just as satisfied if not more so with the generic product as the name brand one.

So if they are essentially the same, might as well save some money and go with the cheaper one.

late night snack

Use Everything You Buy Before Going Shopping Again

If your fridge is packed with food that just never seems to go away, you are probably wasting money.  After all, that food won't last forever and I imagine most of it will end up going bad.  And that is a waste.

A waste of good food and a waste of your hard earned money.  So before you go shopping for more food make sure you finish what you already have at home in the fridge.  Because as they say in Japan, "Mottainai!" (What a waste!)


Believe it or not but you can actually negotiate on food and other items you buy at supermarkets.  Crazy, right?!

While you may not be able to negotiate everything, there are some items for which you can have some negotiating power.  

For example, if there are goods that are close to expiring, you may be able to ask for discounts on it.  Also, if you find any damaged goods, you could ask the cashier to take 10% off and maybe more.

When in doubt, try.  The worst they can do is say "No". 


Don't Bring the Kiddos

If you got any big spenders in your entourage it might be best to leave them at home.  You don't want to bring people with you if they are just going to make you spend more and go over your budget.

Kids are one of the main culprits in causing you to spend more money than you had plan.  I mean, who can say know to their cute little, begging faces.  

So if you find it hard to say no to them, you had better not take them with you shopping in the first place.  Especially, if you are trying to save money.  

Gotta love them but in this case they are not helping you in your money saving efforts.  So I'll see you when I get home kiddos!

Sign Up for the Point Card

If you have a supermarket that you always shop at, you should definitely sign up for their point card.  And use it every time you go.  

You'll notice pretty soon that you have racked up quite a lot of points which can save you some good money on groceries.

Other Quick Saving Money Tips

  1. Don't go shopping when you are hungry.  The number one rule when going shopping is never go shopping when you are hungry because you will spend 2 or 3 times more than you would've otherwise.
  2. Try curbside pickups if you can't resist temptation.  Some of us might find it hard to resist the sales and oh so delicious Oreos calling your name. And if that is the case, it might be best to not tempt fate.  Have your food delivered to you.
  3. Bring your own bag.  Some stores offer discounts when you do!  A couple cents saved here and there goes a long way!
  4. Vacuum Seal and Freeze It.  Sometimes there may be a sale too good to pass up.  If that is the case, don't be afraid to buy more than you need and then freeze the rest to be used at a later date.

If you can't resist temptation, don't make it harder on yourself.  Just order your groceries online and have them delivered or do curbside pickup!

All in All

When you put your mind to it, saving money on groceries can be easy.  You just have to make the commitment and get into the proper routine.  But wants that's done it is smooth sailing.

Hope this article gave you some good ideas that you can try out for yourself.  We all need to save a little coin every now and then.

Also, let me know if you have any other tips and tricks for saving money on groceries! I'd love to hear them!

Happy Shopping!

*DISCLAIMER: The Information provided in this post is simply the opinions of the blogger and is given in the spirit of educational fun. It is not investment advice. Please do your own research and decide what is right for you before investing in any asset. If necessary, seek the help of a certified professional in discussing your options.

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  1. Excellent tips for saving money on graceries. I just went grocery shopping yesterday and spent too much money. At least I can use the tips for the next time that I do my grocery shopping.

    Thank you.

    A. Yvette

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